Here are a few frequently asked questions, including our lessons policies and how you can start your musical journey…

  • Why should I start playing guitar? Everyone has their own personal reasons for wanting to pursue the guitar. This is something which is very unique to every individual player. Speaking personally, I find the guitar satisfies my artistic urges: my need to create. You, dear reader, like every single one of your neighbours, and each person you have ever met in your life, have a song within you. We all need a vehicle to realise that song and to let it out. Some choose painting. Others may prefer to write a story. For me, nothing scratches that itch quite like six strings and a plank of wood. But that’s just what drives me to play – some guitarists relish the challenge of technical perfection, or they just want to impress their friends. Whatever your reason for picking up the guitar, it’s just as valid as mine. After all, we’re all on the same journey.  For more excuses to play (not that you need one!!), check out my The Guitar essay. But if you’ve come this far, you’ve already taken the first step on the path. Often, that is the hardest step to take.
  • I’m keen to get started, but I’m not sure which playing style is right for me. The way I always start is by asking a student about their listening preferences. For example, if you’re into Led Zeppelin, the chances are you’ll be interested in taking a look at Jimmy Page and the styles of other rock guitarists. Alternatively, it can be very beneficial to provide a student with a taste of a variety of different styles in order to ascertain a preference.
  • What does it take to realise my potential? All it takes to truly realise your full guitar-playing potential is two things: a guitar and a willingness to learn. Once you have those two invaluable ingredients, you are already halfway there! The important thing to remember is that learning the guitar, much like learning anything else, is a journey. Once the destination is in sight (or, God forbid, you feel you have achieved greatness), the journey is over, because your willingness to learn no longer exists. The secret to continuing to improve is to keep an open mind – there is always something else we can learn! The next thing is to have someone who can examine your playing and to help identify areas for improvement and to give you advice therein. This is where I come in. Although I do not pretend to be a necessity on your guitar playing journey, having a dedicated teacher can certainly speed the job along, and prevent you from getting frustrated when your resources begin to run out. But, as I’ve already said, the very fact that you’re here means that you have taken your first step. All that is now left to do is to take the next one…
  • How do lessons take place? The format I use for lessons is via Skype. This way, we can work around your daily life and commitments. Also, you can take lessons in the comfort of your own home, without having to worry about transporting yourself and your precious instrument to and from a remote location. Progress favours a relaxed student!
  • How much are lessons? My lesson cost is set at £15 for 45 minutes, with the exception of a free 30 minute introductory session. Payment is taken via PayPal at the start of every lesson.
  • What benefits are there to subscribing to your email list? Subscribers have access to exclusive content such as exercises, practice tips, guitar-related anecdotes and even special offers… why not subscribe and find out for yourself?